youtube/Rachel Leary
Foto: Ilustracija

Poznato nam je da neke žene u pokušaju da izgledaju mlađe i atraktivnije pribegavaju različitim metodama.

Đavolje usne postale su pravi hit na internetu. Ovaj trend u ulepšvanju, ako ga možemo tako i nazvati, podrazumeva ubrizgavanje filera u usne tako da se pravi blagi talas preko usana.

Na društvenim mrežama su se pojavile fotografije ovakvih usana, ali mnogi nisu ubeđeni da je reč o stavrnom izgledu već da je u pitanju foto-montaža. Mnogi smatraju da izgledaju neprirodno i opasno, piše Dejli star (Daily Star).

Ekspertkinja za lepotu Nilam Holms istakla je da je reč o jednom od najgorih kozmetičkih zahvata koji može da dovede do toga da usne onoga ko ih sređuje na ovaj način budu izvrnute u neki čudan oblik i to godinama.

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This trend is WRONG on all levels .. devil lips!? It looks unnatural and ridiculous. The clue is in the title really .. it is unnecessary disfigurement! Wether it is tattooing and/or filler .. it looks terrible. I thought it was photoshop and a joke for Halloween when I first saw it but apparently not. ??‍♀️ Please don’t be naive and follow silly trends like this. You will not be able to reverse it easily and go back to your natural lips if at all. Your lip border will be distorted and it won’t wear off evenly so you will have frilly lips for years to come. There are 20 more reasons I can think of. No one should encourage clients or teach this to practitioners and enable them to disfigure someone elses face deliberately. It’s not make up you can’t wipe it off. I have never even seen an Mua create devil shaped lips from make up unless it was perhaps for an editorial piece. I mean who would even be willing to try it? Was it founded by someone accidentally messing up someone’s lips? I don’t understand where it even comes from? This is really one of the worst aesthetic/cosmetic procedures I’ve ever seen ? #devillips #wrong

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“Ovaj trend je pogrešan na mnogo načina. Đavolje usne? Izgledaju neprirodno i smešno. Bilo da je reč o filerima ili tetovaži, užasno je. Prvi put kada sam ih videla mislila sam da je šala ili Fotošop, a sada vidim da nije”, rekla je ona.

Poručila je svima da zaborave na ovakav trend i da ovakvo nešto ne pokušavaju da naprave od svojih usana.


  1. Zena ne mora biti lepa, ali prirodna i bez tetovaze. Ne postoji tako lepa i mlada zena, koja bi me zanela svojom tetovazom, brnjicama i nitnama.


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